Boom Gate is out-of-home medium that places your advertising message on vinyl sleeves covering toll gate arms less than 10 feet from your target and directly in their line of vision for up to 10 seconds with each impression.

Boom Gate is literally unavoidable - it stops drivers in their tracks, seeing the campaign at eye-level before being able to proceed. Moreover, every Touch is recorded by the toll operators providing some of the most accurate impression and impact figures in the outdoor industry.


Over 90 million consumers each year pass through ALL toll booths on all expressway nationwide daily.

Strategically place your message for maximum exposure to all audience in your
targeted area. Drivers slow down to 8kmph and attention drawn to your message.

100% VISIBILITY | Audience in your targeted area will pass through the toll
booths where your message appears.

Colorful and customizable graphics capture the attention of all travelers.
Scalable and customizable programs to meet your budget.

Ideal for tactical & thematic branding, local and regional advertising, public
safety announcements, informational and directional signage.

Boom Gate Domination at Toll Plaza

Boom Gate Domination at Type A Buildings